Vim is a great text editor. There’s a plethora of third party plugins to extend vim and help navigate file systems and also a heap of ways to use them. I’m not sure, if it’s common knowledge that vim has very nifty tricks up its sleeve for to tackle exploring the directory structures without additional plugins and opening up remote files using your beloved vim configuration. That is, if you are inclined to heavily configure your vim with or without plugins, then all that sweetness can be applied to editing files remotely instead of having to use some remote machine’s vanilla vim.
Here are some ways divided into two sections that I’ve found useful. I’ve divided them according to their use case, which are “accessing local files” and “accessing remote files”.
Accessing Local Files
Plugins and External Tools
I use ranger and it felt really convenient for a long while to split a pane in tmux from within ranger when I wanted to edit a file and then hit ctrl-p when I wanted to navigate within that file’s directory inside vim - which is basically what I often end up doing after editing the file in question.
Ctrl-p refers to the shortcut used as well as the name of the plugin enabling a fuzzy search file exploration feature. Hitting ctrl-p in vim with the plugin installed opens an interactive view that updates upon every typed key and pattern matches the written characters to the files recursively in the directory you’re at. It also allows quick commands to open those files in different tabs etc. It is still in my toolbox, but I’ve used it less and less as the time goes on.
The main reason for my abandoning of this plugin is that it sometimes gets awkwardly stuck when there’s too many files and folders to recurse into, and vim typically hangs until the find process is finished without accepting any keyboard input.
Also having found netrw in vim made me steer towards using it for navigating instead of ctrl-p.
Netrw is in Vim by Default
George Ornbo showed a good alternative work flow to ctrl-p (or in fact
nerdtree) with using netrw instead of
This approach is intriguing as netrw is a stock plugin shipped with the
default installation of vim and it seems to work pretty well for this kind of
file navigation. The short summary of Ornbo’s post is that netrw uses 3
commands: :explore
, :Sexplore
and :Vexplore
and netrw view can be
toggled and configured to suit your taste. These commands open netrw in the
current buffer (explore) or by splitting the window horizontally (Sexplore) or
vertically (Vexplore).
His blog post goes on to introduce a few nifty configuration tweaks to make the
netrw a little more usable. Of these tweaks I found the most useful to be
configuring netrw to show a tree view by default (let g:netrw_liststyle = 3
). After mapping some keys, for example x for explore etc. the work
flow becomes quite intuitive when you want to open another file from the working
However, I’ve explained what I feel is the most useful feature related to this in this post in the section below (Accessing Remote Files).
I Whip My Files Back and Forth..
There’s also vim’s basic file navigation features aside from netrw. Pressing
when the cursor is over a file name - or a relative path - opens a file
in the current working directory, if such a file can be found. This can be tested
easily by “cd"ing into a directory with files, opening vim, running :read !ls
- which pastes the output of ls
in the current buffer - and placing
the cursor on top of any of the files and pressing gf
. This would open the
file under the cursor in vim.
Every opened file is shown in a buffer. Vim holds a list of previously opened
buffers. Now if
several files have been opened during the same vim session, they can be shuffled
through back and forth by Ctrl-i
and Ctrl-o
(in the normal mode).
There’s actually more to these two keyboard shortcuts - they take you back to
the exact position you jumped from regardless of if you moved inside the same
file or between files. It is quite equivalent to the back and forward arrows inside
most IDEs.
:b <Tab>
(notice the space) iterates over the buffers by pressing tab
completing their names (enter opens the buffer).
Additionally, instead of going through buffers one-by-one, they can be enlisted
with :ls
which enumerates the list of buffers. To select and open any of these enlisted ones: :b <number><enter>
. These could be mapped together to show a list of buffers (i.e. like open files) and waiting for input for selecting the file to be edited by number:
:map <Leader>B :ls<CR>:buffer
Quick Fixes
If you haven’t tried vimgrep before, here’s a quick tour. Vimgrep greps matching a pattern to the files like running grep would, but within vim. The biggest incentive to use this features over whipping open a terminal and using grep instead is that it creates an index of files with the search results that can be opened in another window. Then it is a breeze to go through through the search results and open the file that is of interest.. Try it out:
:vimgrep /word/gj **/*.*
After running that command, open the “quick fix window” i.e. the index with:
or just cwin
The rest should be quite intuitive. Navigating through the list pressing enter
on the shown line opens that file - placing the cursor on the line with the
search result - in a new buffer. In the vimgrep command above, the “word” refers
to the pattern and **/*.*
to matching it to any files recursively from
subfolders of the current working directory.
Here are some more ways to handle files similarily to vimgrep from vim: Compile, build and error check workflow
If you have a vim compiled with the make-tag, you can use vim’s automatic features to open cwindow and examine errors that resulted when compiling.
Accessing Remote Files
I mentioned netrw in the previous section. The biggest ergonomics factor in using netrw for me is that it works similarily for remote files as it does for local files. The added value? If you’ve weaved yourself an elaborate web of vim plugins and configured your keybindings reducing the overhead(ache) liberating your text editing experience beyond the defaults thrown on you by a vanilla vim installation - and you want to have all that power at hand when accessing remote files - now you can. This way you can edit the files as if they were on your machine by typing something like:
vim scp://remote_host/
In effect, vim handles copying the file from the remote machine to your local location and after saving the edits it will copy it back So how can we make this happen? For convenience, lets make some changes to the ssh configurations dealing with resolving the host. I think this plays a major part in making the work flow ergonomic for those remote edits.
# file: ~/.ssh/config
Host my_remote_server # a symbolic name of your choice
Hostname server_IP_or_DNS # the server URI
User username # the username for the server
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/a_suitable_ssh_key_if_any # key for authentication
So for example:
Host HAL
User dave
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
After configuring the ssh hosts as shown above, netrw is able to handle navigating directories and files, when we use vim over ssh thusly:
vim scp://HAL/filename
What should open before your eyes is the file imaginatively named ‘filename’ located on the remote host, in your (remote) user’s home directory - in this example’s case the user is “dave”.
As netrw works like a file browser in a terminal, it’s possible to leverage it to show the root of your home directory on the remote host as a file tree with just:
vim scp://my_remote_server/
If vim configuration included let g:netrw_liststyle = 3
, then the browsing
view will be one refering to a tree view.
Here lies rendered a more complete version of this command, which in this case would use an absolute path - hence the double slashes before the path:
vim scp://username@server_IP_or_DNS[:port]//absolute_path/to/file.cpp
As a last warning, note that the slashes in the scp-path have a confounding syntax and might waste your time troubleshooting the issue. Here is some tongue-in-cheek passage to explain why the slashes matter:
Let us conjure some imagery to address this potential side effect: All is well in the kingdom, but then - on some unsuspecting moment - vim comes back at you with:
(netrw) not a netrw-style url; netrw uses protocol://[user@hostname[:port]/[path]
“Oh you, vim..”, you chuckle, as this harmless looking oneliner fails to waver your intentions of connecting remotely.
Determined that the written path was perfectly adequate, you wait for the netrw’s file view to open - an alluring moment that persists beyond frustration as the awaited tree view never presents itself - and so the error report begs for a closer inspection.. And soon it provokes a double-take when the word “protocol” permeates your dubious consciousness. After verifying the ssh configurations, port numbers, vimrc lines and all other minute details that might have taken the wrong typo, you’ll realize what I’ve learned repeatedly upon making this same mistake..
In short, check that the host name ends in a slash ‘/’.